Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Making baby food

Baby food can be expensive! Little jars can be around a dollar for certain brands, and the two pack of plastic containers were $1.17 when I looked a few weeks ago. Sure a dollar doesn't seem like much, but my little guy eats about one little container at each meal. When you add the cost of formula the price drastically increases. Making your own baby food is a great way to keep costs down, while knowing exactly what goes into your little bundle of joy's tummy.

I decided to purée apricots the other day, and it was extremely easy. I put a very small pot of water on the stove and heated to a boil. I removed the pot from the heat and added dried apricot. After covering and letting it sit for a bit, to make sure the dried apricots absorbed the water, I placed the apricots and a bit of water into a small food chopper.

Depending on how smooth or thick you want your purée, you'll need to add some of the cooking water and purée a bit longer.

I only filled my little pot about half way with apricots, but it made quite a bit of food.


Another great point about storing puréed fruits is that you can freeze them for baby later on, or can cook with them. Apricot bread anyone Personally I wouldn't keep any frozen foods over 6 months.

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