Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kids and Playtime

It amazes me how little time kids get to play. I really try and allow my oldest to go to the playground at least once a week so that he can meet more kids and have more interaction. I'm aware that schools have started reducing PE days and I'm still shocked. With the increasing rate of adult and childhood obesity here lately, you'd think schools would try to incorporate more physical activity. That's where us parents really need to step in and ensure our kids get a healthy amount of exercise daily. It can be difficult. I'll be the first to admit that, but it is extremely important that we teach kids at an early age that exercising can be fun.



Of course my son loves the playground, but doesn't love other exercises that I try to get him to participate in. He's a fan of yoga, soccer, and here recently pushups. A few days ago he decided to do pushups during the commercials on the Disney channel. I think he's been watching his mom too much! Occasionally we'll have him run laps or ride his bike in the house when the weather is bad...and of course this is a favorite!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bets are off

A few months ago, the hubby and I made a that neither was willing to break.  We both wanted to give up sodas of all kinds, so we made it interesting. If I caved, he would get a new paintball gun, but if he caved he'd have to watch the kiddos for two nights a week while I worked out.  We had a good run of 74 days, but then we  had soda!  We both had the stomach bug and I was hopeful, thinking that sprite would calm the yuckiness. It didn't.  So we called the bet off, but are ready to start it back up again.  We're trying to decide if the stakes will rise even higher this time, or remain the same. Suggestions?

We all know the dangers of sodas, whether it be diet or regular, so I found a few articles online that are helping me to say no to sodas.