Saturday, August 25, 2012

Xterra Texas Trail Run Series

Check out this awesome runner!!!

Last weekend I was working a race for PowerBar and I was able to see quite a few spectacular runners. Two in particular were a couple of 10 year old girls that ran a 21k. Yep! A 21k! Not only did they finish it, but they took first and third for the women. Truly spectacular. The day started off a little yucky with a light rain, but the runners enjoyed the race and the weather right off the river at Cameron Park in Waco, TX. The 21k run was accompanied by a 5k as well as a kids fun run. It was exhilarating watching these runners from all age groups push their limits and reach their goals.

These two young girls have inspired me to run a 21k within the next year. Training will be tough, but completely possible.